
Friday, December 28, 2012

Looking Back

I started this blog in the begging of the year and now is a good time to look back at all that happened.
I have to say it has been both good and bad. I lost my best friend, which i am still dealing with, I attended 3 other funerals besides his, which is way too many for 1 year, but life must go on.

My Photography has been evolving, I was published by +Anetta G. Heller and +Artur Heller who run Camerapixo magazine. Camerapixo also has PressID, if you are street photographer or trying to do more journalist work, this could be very helpful.
I was also published in +dodho magazine. You can find links to all the articles in my earlier blog posts.
One of the projects I worked on got turned into a book, you can find it here. There is another project I am slowly working on and hoping it will come to light in 2013, so stay tuned.
Another picture of mine was published in the +Plus One Collection Magazine, which I helped put together, it was all for charity and well worth the time, a big thank you goes out to +Ivan Makarov and +Andy Lee for all their work, please follow them on Google+

Here is one my latest pictures of Snow on Park Avenue, this shot was taken at ISO 3200 handheld through the window, I have to give credit to my new camera for having an amazing sensor technology.

Most importantly I want to wish all the people who follow me Happy Holidays and great 2013 may it bring happiness and joy to all. Thank you for reading!