
Friday, July 20, 2012


This past weekend I had the pleasure to meet with Story Musgrave and Stan McChrystal. Both are amazing people who accomplished a lot in their life, I urge if you do not know who they are to look them up and read about them. Now how does this relate to photography, well something Story Musgrave said during his speech that stuck with me, he said work on your strength, don't worry about your weaknesses. If you like photography and you are good at it, just continue to take pictures and you will get better at it.
Picture above on the right, was taken by a friend it is not the best quality, but any picture with him is better then no picture at all he is an amazing human being.

Leadership and photography, how does one become a leader. Look at people like Trey Ratcliff, I consider him one of the leaders in photography and he does that by being open, by sharing, by communicating with community. Stan McCrystal said during his speech that to be an effective leader you need to share information, you need to communicate, build trust in the community. Listen to his speech here.

Some other notes worth mentioning, in case you missed the post about my book, it is out and available via Blurb. I am working on my second book, which I will try to publish with LULU as it seems cheaper, but second book will take a bit longer as I am still gathering material for it. Here is a teaser that I will likely use for the cover of the book.

Thank you for reading!

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